
Who Are The Owners Of Jux Capital ?

The owners of Jux Capital are  listed as Richard Cullen, Jeff Mason and Virat Modi. They are listed on the about us page on Here is the link: Jux Capital About Us Page Who are these people and what is their background? Do these people really exist ? Has anyone ever met them or gone to their offices? The Jux capital offices are located at 125 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR. But do they actually have an office there? This is Richard Cullen of Jux Capital, does this person actually exist? Jux capital also has a page on Linkedin with the same peple listed as on their website as the principals of the company. The Linkedin profiles of all of these people are locked and you cannot contact them. They also do not answer their emails and do not respond by phone or answer the phone or Whatsapp when you call them. What is going on?   The Jux Capital Linkedin page is above, all profiles are locked.

How To Report Jux Capital For Fraud And Cybercrime

If you have been a victim of fraud by Jux Capital and had money stolen from you, you can report them to Actionfraud, Scamsmart, Coinbase, Trustpilot, IC3, Getcybersafe, SEIC, Medium, Europol and the FTC  plus other agencies. Here are the procedures: Here is the link to the Actionfraud Website: Actionfraud Just go to the action fraud website and click on report fraud at the top of the page. You will then be asked to set up an account with action fraud. We advise doing this as you will have many more rights and can speak to action fraud by phone or email about any fraud reports. See image below, set up your Action Fraud account here before filing the complaint. Then fill out the form and you will be assigned a case number on the last page of the form when you are finished. When you are done the screen will look like this. The fraud report will be in your account that you have setup. Then you can follow up with action fraud from there. Here is the link to Scamsmart: Scamsmart Go to...

Who Regulates Jux Capital ?

  All investment funds in the UK should be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority  (FCA). If you contact Jux Capital by email then ask them if they are regulated and by whom.  They will send you a letter and PDF File implying that they are regulated by the FCA The Letter states: "The United Kingdom, under the 2012 Financial Services Act, hereby grants: JUX CAPITAL on this day, 1st March 2017, the authority to act as a private investment management collective involved in fund management services." However this is not true. If you go to the FSA website and do a search, you cannot find Jux Capital. Who Regulates Jux Capital ? .... probably nobody. This information will be reported to the FSA and we will follow up on this blog post. This is why when investors send their money to Jux they will never get it back and there is no recourse. Jux capital is a fraud and scam preying on innocent investors, and they are continuing to operate. Under the 2012 Financial Services Act...

Has Jux Capital Gone Out of Business ?

The Jux Capital website is no longer updating their accounts. As of Saturday, January 8, 2022, account balances are no longer updating on all Jux Capital accounts. The website appears to operating normally Jux Capital is still taking money in and commiting investor fraud. But do not send Jux any money or open an account, you will never get your money back. All deposits and investment returns will not be recovered by Jux Capital investors, it is an online fraud website. Here is a link to their website: Jux Capital Contact Via email and Whatsapp are useless because they do not respond to any inquiries. I tried contacting them on Whatsapp and nobody responds at all.  Same thing with email. Jux will happily take your money but when it comes time to give you any money back or stated investment returns you find out it it a hoax.

Welcome To The Jux Capital Fraud Reporting Blog

  If you have been victimized by fraud with Jux Capital and had your money stolen by them, then you can report it here. Jux Capital is operating a sham investment fund. They take money from people all over the world into their fraudulent investment fund via Coinbase deposits using USDCoin or Ethereum They promise to return the funds with solid investment returns but when investors try to get their money they do not send the funds back. Jux Capital is an online fraud and scam website. Their website is here: Jux Capital Do not Send your Money To Jux capital is is a scam. They have been reported to Action Fraud. Action Fraud Click on the link to Action Fraud and you can report any fraudulent  and online theft by Jux Capital to them.